Internet user protection measures
Internet, Protection, User, Cyber crimesAbstract
The advantages of Internet use are innumerable, especially in terms of communication, and have led to an increase in online interactions, which in turn has increased the risks of being a victim of various punishable criminal behaviors, mainly of a patrimonial nature, pornography and organized crime, however, in many cases these behaviors are preventable. The information and education of Internet users are the most effective means for the prevention of damages caused by Malware, Phishing, Pharming and cyberbullying, managing to reduce the threats if we implement security and privacy settings appropriate to the use we make in our devices in addition to the installation of antivirus and updates that add security locks and achieve the proper transmission of information, coupled with the correct humanized behavior of each of the users without discrimination, signaling and offenses to keep all browsing as a safe place.
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Otras lecturas recomendadas
Ang, L., Dubelaar, C., & Lee, B-Ch. (2001, 25-26 June). To Trust or Not to Trust? A Model of Internet Trust from the Customer’s Point of View [Congress session]. 14th Bled Electronic Commerce Conference. Slovenia.
Bayer, U. (2005). TTAnalyze: A Tool for Analyzing Malware. [Master’s Thesis, Technical University of Vienna]. Technical University of Vienna Digital Archive.
Glosario de Ciberseguridad. (s.f.).
Palomar de Miguel, J. (2000). Diccionario para juristas. Porrúa.

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